
Study in Australia
When you think of Australia, you probably imagine beautiful white sand beaches or eminent landmarks like Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney’s Opera House. What you may not be aware of is that Australia is an ideally diverse country, home to every type of landscape from green tropical forests to massive deserts.

Australia is the 3rd most popular destination for international students behind the USA and the United Kingdom. Out of the top 100 world’s best universities, 7 are from Australia. 5 out of 30 Australian cities are the best in the world. Australian universities have made a great contribution to the field of research and have made some important discoveries like penicillin, ultrasound, wifi, and IVF.

Australians speak English language so it is easier for international students to study and live. It is one of the most culturally varied nations in the world, with a large population of international students. It has some of the most diverse wildlife on earth.

International students can work up to 40 hours per fortnight in Australia, which will help them pay for daily or weekly recreational expenses. Australia also provides the opportunity for a post-graduate work visa after graduation. Students can also do a Professional Year Program (PYP), which allows graduates of accounting, information technology, and engineering degrees to gain experience and mentoring in an Australian workplace and also helps them secure permanent residence (PR).
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